Thoughts on Jewish Intelligence
October 27, 2022
ARE Jews dramatically over-represented in admissions at top colleges and positions of influence in our society because, as is often claimed, they have higher intelligence?
Here is a thorough, balanced and reasonable examination of the issue.
— Comments —
KG writes:
You are truly Bada**, pardon my vulgarity, for posting this Red Pill. I debate this with my … brother all the time. According to him, white European Christians are inferior to the Noble savage cultures whose land we “stole”, and we would shrivel up and die without Asians and Jews and their Big Brains. In fact we deserve death and cultural elimination for our evil Christian ways. Needless to say, since “Covid,” we don’t talk a lot anymore. He actually went a YEAR without touching his grandkids, who live a few blocks away, cuz “Covid.” My mind boggles at this.
I will have to follow this Youtuber!
Laura writes:
I like this guy! He’s calm and cool. Not fanatical.
But this is the only video of his that I have watched.