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From Ceausescu to Jordan Peterson « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

From Ceausescu to Jordan Peterson

November 7, 2022

CANADIAN psychologist “Alex,” in this 2017 video, explains how the Communism he observed during his childhood in Communist Romania is identical to the Communism in Canada, the U.S. and Western Europe today.

This lecture is almost three hours, but (except for some comments regarding Peterson’s wife) it’s well worth it. [This is not, however, an endorsement of all of his views. “Alex” has some confused and erroneous beliefs.]

— Comments —

Mark Millward writes:

I have a couple of observations about [the video].

I must have listened to perhaps an hour or so of it and found it to be extraordinarily repetitive.

Nothing necessarily wrong with repetitive, however on waking this morning I was struck forcibly that he is misdirecting his listeners attention away from the synagogue of Satan, authors of the Talmud which was completed by the middle of the first millennium after Christ. The Khazarians, no matter how nefarious their role may have been in the last millennium or so, cannot have been the authors of the Talmud. It must have been written by the descendants of those who were dispersed following the sack of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.

We know how they love to control both sides of the dialectic and blaming the Khazarians is a distraction from the role of the ethnic successors of those who crucified Jesus Christ – Jews per se, Including Sephardic families such as the Sassoons.

Rather than referring to the Khazarian converts to Judaism, the descriptor “those who say they are Jews and are not” refers to those Jews and their descendants who refuse to accept the true Messiah, Jesus Christ, sealing their fate as the ultimate betrayers of their own religious heritage of the Torah and it’s prophets.

So while Alex has much that is self evidently true to say about communism, I fear this serves also to distract from its true originators. He also has a somewhat dirty mind as is revealed in some of his comments in response to comments to his video postings.

Laura writes:

Thank you for writing.

This video is definitely repetitive and, you’re right, he has a somewhat dirty mind (more apparent in some of his early videos.) I posted this video despite these problems because some of what he says is simply not said by others. He is highly preceptive with the psychological facets of the Communist system and unvarnished truths. I am not in agreement with all he says or believes. He is absolutely correct that the Internet is filled with shills — as true today as it was in 2017. It’s extremely important for people to know this. I will post someone guilty of occasional vulgarity as long as it’s a critical topic, but I will not (knowingly) post someone who is a shill and engages in misdirection.

I assume he used the misleading word “Khazars” to prevent censorship of the video. (It was removed by Youtube anyway.) He uses the term “Joo” in his other videos and he said he does this so that people do not mistake Jews of today with the Jews of the Old Testament who did not follow Talmudic teaching.

Laura adds:

Actually, in the case of Alex, he is more than vulgar on occasion but actually seems to promote promiscuity. At other times, he seems to condemn it. It’s a confusing message.

KG writes:

Thanks for posting this. It took me awhile to get through the entire video, watching at 1.5 speed helped. Alex’s observations are consistent with reality. The background on the Khazars needs to be understood, especially as they now openly disdain and attack white Christians and Europeans. His point that blaming globalists, communists, etc. is obscuring reality of the situation we are in, and who the attackers really are. I agree with him on  on Jordan Peterson. I initially found Peterson’s comments against feminism and the lies that women accept, throwing away their opportunities for motherhood and rewarding marriages for “careers”, etc. spot on and admired him. But his issues with addiction, mental health problems, and apparent emotional fragility seemed oddly inconsistent with his principled statements. He seems tormented to me. Then I read about his work for the UN, and I knew he was a shill, controlled opposition, a pied piper to herd young, white males. Alex’s comments on Peterson’s statement about his wife never lying to him say more about Alex’s experiences with women than Peterson, lol. I am sad for folks like Alex, who do not have Faith, and are watching brainwashed white Christian Europeans and Americans assist in their own extinction, thinking they have to be “nice”,”nonracist” and agree that the most primitive and violent cultures are equivalent to Christian western civilization, and to prefer their own heritage and culture is “white supremacy”. I am watching some of Alex’s other videos, and find them a little odd. They are well edited for dramatic effect with the fade in and outs, and are more theatrical in delivery. Kind of odd.

Laura writes:

I could never listen to Jordan Peterson. He struck me as false. He certainly has turned out to be even more of a pied piper than he was in 2017.





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