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Gratitude from a Reader « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Gratitude from a Reader

November 24, 2022

A READER writes:

Just also to let you know how I came across your website originally. I’m Catholic and used to follow a wide number of blogs concerning Church issues between, say, 2010 and 2015, and yours popped up along the way, recommended by others. I’ve always been eager to hear your opinion on many matters, even where we might differ slightly, because you’re unafraid to stand firm on what you believe, regardless of the opinions of others, and that’s so good!

Also, whilst having a terrible time personally in 2015 and beginning to understand the nature of sociopathic behaviour in individual people and systems of power (especially in the Church), I one day saw your re-posting of a video of interviews of New York firemen during 9/11 (I think the video may have been connected with Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth) and that changed everything for me. It really did!

You posted the video with a disclaimer saying that you didn’t want to be dragged into this ‘conspiracy’ nonsense but that the video itself presented something which indicated an enormous scandal, a lie which had been told to us for so long that we simply had to acknowledge it to get our proper bearing of who really held the reins of power.

I thank you for that because this sort of knowledge can change and yes, ultimately save lives in this era.


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