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Celebrity Billionaires « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Celebrity Billionaires

November 23, 2022

IN The Richest Man in the World,” a very, very long article at The Unz Review, Larry Romanoff makes the point that famous billionaires like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Elon Musk are merely figureheads and front men, created through extensive planning by those whose wealth vastly exceeds theirs. This is unquestionably true.

From the article:

Looting Americans 1975 to 2022

The situation is not different with the 2008 financial meltdown in the US. We had clearly deliberate attempts to inflate the housing market to almost atmospheric levels, with nearly zero interest rates and the removal of all restrictions and requirements – to the point where unemployed homeless people were buying $500,000 homes. This was again done with the full cooperation of the FED. Then, they simply collapsed the bubble, resulting in tens of millions of foreclosures. And again, when the blood was running in the streets, firms like Blackrock and their ilk were busy buying up these foreclosed homes at perhaps half price, as rental properties – often, to the same people who lost them. There is no accurate record of the total purchases, but the buying was almost frenzied. At one point, one agent in Florida for one “investment firm” alone, was bidding on more than 200 homes per week. With even conservative estimates, the transfer of housing assets alone from the American middle class to these same few people, would have been $7 or $8 trillion, all within two or three years.

It is a surprise to me that so few people seem to want to see such events as having been planned, and yet the evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable. There is no possibility that these events, and so many similar, could possibly have occurred “by accident”. There were simply too many threads all working together to accomplish this one result, and those threads could not possibly have been independent. And it is not possible that the US government itself was unaware of the eventual outcome. Economists working for the US government are not stupid, and so many private economists were describing the events and predicting the only possible outcome. The only thesis that fits all the facts is that the 2008 meltdown was planned and that the US government, so totally controlled from the City of London, knowingly permitted it to happen. Again, in summary, a relative handful of people profited to the tune of trillions of dollars in a few years, in this one enterprise alone.

And it wasn’t only homes, and not only in 2008. In an article titled Destroyers of US Democracy[27], Chris Hedges quoted a RAND corporation report that stated: “These establishment politicians and their appointed judges promulgated laws that permitted the top 1 percent to loot $54 trillion from the bottom 90 percent, from 1975 to 2022, at a rate of $2.5 trillion a year, according to a study by the RAND corporation.”[28] [29] For those who don’t know, RAND is a despicably Satanic corporation that spends most of its time on planning wars, designing torture regimes (Vietnam Phoenix, Guantanamo Bay, Baghram, Diego Garcia), and scheming for world political control. But the people at RAND do know how to calculate, especially considering they planned the methods for the looting they now boast about. Note that the euphemistically-named “top 1%” is not really the top 1% but a tiny group of Jewish bankers and industrialists, including the (Rothschild and other) owners of the US FED. A huge portion of this looting occurred in 2008 and subsequent years; I won’t bother accumulating this with interest.



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