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Why We Are in This World « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Why We Are in This World

November 25, 2022

“NOW, why is it that the riches and pleasures of this world cannot make us happy? It is because the soul was not created by and for them, but by God for himself. It is God who made our heart, and he made it for himself. When man first came forth from the hand of God, his heart turned to God naturally, and he loved creatures only as loving keepsakes of God. But sin and death came into the world. The heart of man was defiled and degraded. He turned away from the pure and holy love of God, and sought for love and happiness amid creatures. But our heart seeks in vain among creatures. Our heart is small indeed, but its love is infinite. It can find rest only in God. Whatever we love out of God brings only pain and bitter disappointment.

“A thing is made better only by that which is better than the thing itself. Inferior beings can never make superior beings better. The soul, being immortal, is superior to all earthly things. Earthly things, then, cannot make the soul better. God alone is the soul’s supreme goodness and happiness. He who possesses God is at rest. The more closely we are united with God in this  life, the more contentment of mind, and the greater happiness of soul we shall enjoy,”

— Fr. Michael Mueller, The Church and Her Enemies, 1880


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