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The Hoax of Transhumanism « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Hoax of Transhumanism

December 29, 2022

BRIAN Shilhavey at Created4Health.org addresses the ridiculous claims that computers are going to rule the world and human beings are going to become machines:

Take a skeptical view of all the claims currently being made for this “new” technology, which actually is not all that new, and see if there is any evidence to all these claims of super quantum computers, AI intelligence exceeding the intelligence of man, human biology being intertwined with technology to “create” transhumans, etc.

Where is the evidence for all this? I think you will find that the evidence is lacking, and that the more likely truth is that this is all a big hoax designed to control people and make them fear the technology.

In preparation for writing this article, I did a few basic searches, including “what is the current highest functioning computer?”

Read more here.


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