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Doctor Deaths in Canada « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Doctor Deaths in Canada

January 12, 2023

“CANADIAN doctors have been dying unexpectedly and in unprecedented numbers–now upwards of 100–since the rollout of the Covid-19 “vaccines” December 2020. Dr. William Makis, MD and cancer researcher, along with his team have been tracking and reporting the alarming number of sudden deaths in young doctors. His pleas to the Canadian Medical Association to investigate any correlation with the experimental mRNA injections have been ignored and publicly deemed misinformation.

“Dr. Mark Trozzi, MD, ER physician, recently joined Dr. Makis in helping to alert the public of [more than] 80 doctor deaths, openly calling for a halt to all Covid-19 “vaccines,” through his own platform.

“Rather than helping to alert the public of the public health disaster, the mainstream media continues to trumpet the official “safe and effective” narrative, while abandoning its journalistic principles to investigate if there is any merit to Dr. Makis’ findings. Instead of pressuring the government to begin autopsies in the unexpected deaths, the legacy media continue to question and vilify the credibility of both doctors despite autopsy reports and numerous studies showing conclusive proof of deaths by the Covid injections.” (Source)


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