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O, Humble Home of Nazareth « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

O, Humble Home of Nazareth

January 10, 2023

The Holy Family, Giambattista Pittoni


O House of Nazareth the blest,
fair hostess of the Lord,
the Church was nurtured at thy breast
and shared thy scanty hoard.

In all the spreading lands of earth
the wandering sun may see
no dearer spot, no ampler worth
than erst was found in thee!

We know thy humble tenement
was heaven’s hermitage:
Celestial heralds came and went
in endless embassage.

There, whatsoever Ioseph asks
Christ hastens to fulfill;
while Mary loves the household tasks
that wait her joyous will.

There, Joseph toileth at her side
her joys and griefs to share,
with thousand ties knit to his bride,
of love and work and prayer.

Yet how their bosoms constant burn
and deeper ardors prove
in love of Christ, whose eyes return
tokens of mutual love.

O then, in all the homes of earth,
be Love the bond of life:
May it enthrone at every hearth
the peace that husheth strife.

All praise to Thee, O Jesus,
who parents dost obey;
Praise to the sovereign Father
and Paraclete for aye.

Written by Pope Leo XIII (1810-1903). This hymn was formerly used for Lauds on the Feast of the Holy Family.



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