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Russia and the Alt-Right « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Russia and the Alt-Right

January 17, 2023

“… IT is necessary to counteract US Atlanticist geopolitics at all levels and in all regions of the world, trying to weaken, demoralize, deceive and, ultimately, defeat the enemy as much as possible. It is especially important to bring geopolitical turmoil into the US domestic reality by encouraging all kinds of separatism, various ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements of extremist, racist and sectarian groups that destabilize internal political processes in the USA. At the same time, it makes sense to support isolationist tendencies in US politics, the theses of those (often right-wing Republican) circles that believe that the US should confine itself to its domestic problems.”

—    Alexander Dugin, Foundations of Geopolitics (1997):Pg. 358

How many of the top figures in “the alt-right” are taking part in Russian psychological operations in this country? For instance, six of the popular figures at Charlottesville had ties to Russia.

See Hijacking Reality: The Mind Wars of 2015-2022.

“Information Operations is defined as the integrated employment of: electronic warfare, computer network operations, psychological operations, military deception and security operations. Psychological operations uses information to influence peoples’ emotions, motives, objective reasoning and behavior favorable to the people carrying out the operation.

“In social media information operations campaigns, one simply cannot rely on organic growth to promote (dis)information. You need intelligence assets, such as digital influencers to push the desired narrative. They can be dumb and pretty while reading from a script, or they can also be extremely intelligent and pretty or not so pretty freestyling according to a certain narrative as long as they are convincing to an audience regarding the desired narrative. Yet, that is also not enough. You also need IO/PSYOP software. You need the database of thousands of datapoints for each of the hundreds of millions of Americans. You need bots to push the influencers and narratives to the top of feeds to create buzz and give the view the information is popular and almost by consequence legitimate.”

The Internet is a treasure of useful information and great books, but it is also an arena of high-level, cognitive combat. Intelligence agencies and psychological experts are messing with your mind. They’re “shaping reality.” Donald Trump, Michael Flynn, Alex Jones, Charlottesville, Jan. 6, Q-Anon, Pizzagate, George Floyd — the psyops are endless. They’re not all coming from Russia, but some of them are.


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