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The Traditionalist Trap « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Traditionalist Trap

January 5, 2023

‘THE Church very clearly points out what truths are articles of Faith, that we may distinguish them from pious beliefs and traditions, so that no one can be guilty of the sin of heresy without knowing it.

“So far, so good, right? Most of you are nodding your heads in agreement, and shrugging: ‘So, what about it?’

“Well, the problem ‘traditional Catholics’ are facing today is the fact that the ordinations of all the ‘traditional’ priests ordained by Archbishop Lefebvre, and Archbishop Thuc, as well as bishops consecrated and stemming from these lines are illicit. These priests, in general, will admit this fact but brush it off lightly and continue to function in violation of Divine Laws and Dogmas of our Catholic Faith.”

— From “Are You Still a Catholic?” by Patrick Henry and an anonymous author


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