20 Facts about Nashville
March 30, 2023
(Video link)
ASHBEY Beasley & Shaundelle Brooks are two citizen lobbyists, alleged survivors of mass shootings, who just happened to show up at the scene of the alleged shooting in Nashville, Tennessee this week. Ashbey — is this a character in a British satire? — was all ready with a soapbox speech to be aired on national television. What is the likelihood of such a coincidence? How often do people make media-ready political speeches on the scene of an allegedly gruesome massacre?
Indeed, the whole event was so stagey, as seen in previously posted videos, there are seemingly elements of mockery and gamesmanship in it. Here are some reasons why you can confidently conclude, even though the idea of children being murdered pulls at your heartstrings and short-circuits your critical faculties, that no one was killed and that the event was more campy, political theater and psychological warfare aimed at disarming Americans and inciting diversionary chaos. Not only is it not insensitive to point out these facts, it is highly insensitive not to point them out:
1. No people — no students or teachers — were visibly in the school when alleged shooter entered.
2. Shooter walked through empty hallways, as seen in footage conveniently provided by police.
3. Audrey Hale, a woman described as a shy and sensitive artist with no known experience with firearms, is alleged to have delivered instantly fatal shots to six people in about three minutes, a feat highly difficult for even expert marksmen. This is the single most important fact about this event. The shooter is skilled enough to execute this remarkable feat, while dumb enough to wear a red hat.
4. No blood anywhere.
5. No bodies anywhere, except for un-bloody corpse said to be that of Hale, who was immediately killed (a standard element in staged shootings).
6. No realistically wounded or dead taken to ambulances.
7. Surveillance footage and police cam footage instantly provided to media. No date/time stamp/officer ID number on bodycam.
8. TV anchors pervasively and insistently call the footage “horrifying,” “chilling” and “graphic” when it is clearly none of those things. Calling it “graphic” deters viewers from viewing it and seeing how obviously staged it is.
9. Shooter caught on camera in two different pairs of sneakers, suggesting event was filmed in two sessions. (This may have been deliberately mockery and besides shoes are used as Masonic symbols in many of these events, as Ole Dammegard has shown.)
10. Shooter wrote a manifesto, a standard prop of staged shootings even though no one writes manifestos.
11. Police immediately identify shooter and victims, faster than the fastest police investigators.
12. Photos and bios of victims and shooters instantly available.
13. Shooter is a “tranny,” and the school is at least nominally Christian — incendiary plot elements seemingly cooked up by scriptwriters.
14. Masonic numerology used heavily (lots of sixes, threes and nines; school address is 33; three adult victims are ages 61, 61 and 60; three student victims, ages 9, 9 and 9.).
15. Photos of victims appear to be computer generated: one of the victims and an alleged father of a victim clearly have the same eyes. (See photos below.)
16. The President, so unmoved that he jokes about ice cream, addresses the public and calls for more gun restrictions.
17. Fake tears and teddy bears (see videos in previous post).
18. Witnesses and bystanders smile during interviews and parents seen apathetically and with obvious boredom waiting outside.
19. Ashbey and Shaundelle on scene, their scripts ready for interviews.
20. Full-blown, non-stop media coverage is itself a sign of an orchestrated hoax.
Are we living in a comedy or are we living in a nightmare?
I’m going for the comedy.
Normally one should ignore the latest hysteria on TV news and focus on reality. The problem in cases like this is that you are going to hear about it everywhere and it may be helpful to have the basics. These events are going to continue, full steam ahead. There are going to be lots of fake shootings, medical panics and staged environmental disasters. Buckle your seat belts! And remember — your taxes are footing the bill.

— Comments —
KSG writes:
I’m surprised David Hogg didn’t ride up on his bike. These staged “mass shootings” are reaching ridiculousness. I was red-pilled on these psyops yrs ago after reading Dave McGowan’s exposes of the Boston marathon “bombing” (one guy in a white coat carrying a stretcher actually looked like Spielberg!). People still believe it, however. “It would be impossible for so many people to be kept quiet about a hoax”, blah, blah. TV is a powerful psychotic. Add in money, ideology, blackmail, threats, and presto! Created reality. They know they can pull off anything after the moon landing hoax. Just put it on TV. And now we have AI and deep fakes.