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FDA Commits Infanticide « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

FDA Commits Infanticide

March 17, 2023

“With the EUA COVID shots now being added to the CDC Childhood Vaccination Schedule, a baby born in the United States can now have 42 doses of vaccines injected into them before the age of 5. (Source.)

“And if a child misses a few vaccines, or misses their “well-child” appointment with their pediatrician, no problem! As you can see from the image at the top of this article, pediatricians are trained to inject multiple doses into babies and toddlers during a single office visit, even though there are ZERO studies on the effects of injecting multiple doses of vaccines at the same time into babies and toddlers.

“If the baby or toddler dies after these injections, it will be classified as “SIDS”, sudden infant death syndrome.

“This is infanticide by vaccines, and a way of reducing the population, and it is already happening.

“Here are a couple of records from the U.S. Government’s own VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) database where young children were injected with the EUA COVID shots together with other vaccines, and the child died.

“In the first case, a 6-month-old baby boy from Iowa was injected with 7 doses of vaccines (COVID + DTAP + HEPB + IPV + FLU + PNEUMO + ROTAVIRUS), and then died 10 days later.”

Vaccine Impact


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