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Insignificant Trifles « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Insignificant Trifles

March 8, 2023

OUR sanctification is an edifice built up of grains of sand and drops of water. For example, it consists of trifles at a glance repressed, a word held back, a smile checked, a line unfinished, a souvenir stifled, a welcome letter read only once and that rapidly, a natural reaction boldly restrained, a wearisome bore politely endured, an outburst of irritation suppressed at once, refraining from a useless purchase, overcoming fits of depression, tempering nature’s transports with thoughts of God’s Presence in us, overcoming repugnances: what is all this? Just insignificant trifles in the eyes of men who may not see them, but wonderfully clear to him who dwells within us. Here is what we have to watch closely. Here are both the smallest and the greatest proofs of fidelity that will draw down torrents of grace upon the soul.”

— Mgr. Louis Gaston Adrien de Ségur (quoted here)


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