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South African: “Let Us Swallow Our Pride” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

South African: “Let Us Swallow Our Pride”

March 14, 2023

“Let the power go back to the White people. We, as black people, we just have to accept that we failed dismally. For 28 years, we were given chance to prove ourselves, and we failed dismally.

“This thing of voting, one black person after the other, it won’t help us with anything. Let power go back to White people.

“When White people were governing this country — irrespective of whatever that they were doing — but our parents were working, kids used to get passes to go to universities, the town used to be clean.

“There was jobs everywhere. You apply you get a job. Even if you didn’t have qualifications, you could work in hotels — you could work wherever. You could even work in the farms — there were farms where people could work.

“Black people are a dismal, dismal failure. They can’t govern. Let the power go back to White people. Let us just swallow our pride — and give this White people power back — so that the culture can go back to normal.

“We have to accept it. We really, really respect people who fought for the liberation. We respect them — and we are still going to respect them.

“But at the end of the day, we just have to take this power back to the White people.

“We are tired. South Africa is a mess. Everywhere you go, it’s a mess. We are tired. We accept we failed.

“Black people cannot rule. Black people cannot govern.

“White people should take over this country so that this country can have dignity back. All these things that are happening in our country, they will never happen again.

“This problem of foreigners — this problem of crime — it won’t be there any more.

“White people, they don’t play. They don’t play. They rule. They govern.

“The police — White police — they don’t play with criminals. They don’t play with undocumented people in the country…”



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