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A Forgotten Truth « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Forgotten Truth

April 13, 2023

IT is not the soul alone that lives forever. Our bodies will rise one day to immortal glory or banishment.

Our bodies are sublime, even now.

The martyrs and all the saints loved their bodies far more than does the most sensual voluptuary; they, by sacrificing it, saved it; he, by pampering it, exposes it to eternal suffering. Let us be on our guard: sensualism is akin to naturalism. Sensualism will have it that there is no happiness for the body but such as this present life can give; and with this principle its degradation causes no remorse…. If, therefore, the Christian can see what the Son of God has done for our bodies by the divine Resurrection we are now celebrating, and feel neither love nor hope, he may be sure that his faith is weak; and if he would not lose his soul, let him henceforth be guided by the word of God, which alone can teach him what he is now, and what he is called to be hereafter.

— Dom Prosper GuĂ©ranger, The Liturgical Year


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