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Chicago Teens Need “Safe Spaces” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Chicago Teens Need “Safe Spaces”

April 18, 2023

AN Indiana couple who went into Chicago for some sightseeing last Saturday and found themselves caught up in a “teen takeover” is still shaking with fear and refusing to leave their home. They abandoned their minivan with broken windows on a street in Chicago.

Illinois State Senator Robert Peter has reassured the public that the mass violence was not as it seemed.

“I would look at the behavior of young people as a political act and statement. It’s a mass protest against poverty and segregation,” he said.

Phew, that’s a relief! Here we thought it was just mob terrorism against …. against …. against the people in the downtown area.

In the view of Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson, teens, such as those who surrounded and beat a woman on Wabash Avenue, need “safe spaces.” Johnson is also on record as discouraging tests and homework for frustrated teens.

When he himself was a teacher,

To be quite frank with you, I didn’t issue a lot of homework for students. That was my own way of rebelling against the structure. I don’t think I ever gave a kid an ‘F.’

Chicago teens are also suffering from corporate racism. For instance, Walmart recently announced it will be closing four stores in high-crime Chicago neighborhoods. This may be another cause of the teens’ “protests” last weekend. They need more stores to loot in their own neighborhoods.


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