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Did Jesus Truly Rise from the Dead? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Did Jesus Truly Rise from the Dead?

April 14, 2023

“OUR Redeemer owed it to us, therefore, that our certainty with regard to His Resurrection should be perfect. In order to give this master-truth such evidence as would preclude all possibility of doubt, two things were needed: His Death was to be certified, and the proofs of His Resurrection were to be incontestable. Jesus fulfilled both these conditions, and with the most scrupulous completeness. Hence, His triumph over death is a fact so deeply impressed on our minds, that even now, nineteen hundred years since it happened, we cannot celebrate our Easter without feeling a thrill of enthusiastic admiration akin to that which the guards at His tomb experienced when they found their Captive gone.”

See this essay by Dom Prosper Guéranger on proofs of the Resurrection.


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