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Feminism’s Contempt for Humility « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Feminism’s Contempt for Humility

April 27, 2023

FOR a long time now, I have thought that feminism has at its heart a rejection of the idea of virtue (and well that makes sense as virtue comes from the Latin for man.) For instance, humility is not something that a woman is supposed to have anymore — only men are supposed to be humble. Nor are women (according to feminism) supposed to be modest or kind or patient, but men are. In short, women have already been “virtuous enough” and they might sin heartily, egregiously, as they have already ‘expiated in advance an eternity of misconduct.’ And to look around us I suppose we have entered into that brave new world now: into the ‘eternity of misconduct.’ Now, thanks to feminism, women can behave badly without shame.”

— From “The Anti-Feminist Propheciies of Henry James,” 2012


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