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Speed Can Be Beautiful « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Speed Can Be Beautiful

April 25, 2023

ROBERT ROBBINS writes in comments here:

I guess I took especial interest in this article because as of late I have rediscovered my boyish love of beautiful cars, though not so ardent a love as when I was ten. I think that fast cars are an expression of power like Alan quotes someone as saying in the article, but that is not a bad thing. On the contrary, power is very good. Weakness is evil. Spiritual or physical weakness is nothing to rejoice in. We only rejoice in Christ on the Cross because He freely laid down his life. No one forced the Omnipotent to lay down is life for His beloved. That’s power.

— Comments —

Laura writes:

I understand what you’re saying and I can understand the love of cars and speed, but the comparison between fast cars and Christ on the cross seems far-fetched and almost blasphemous.

Mr. Robbins writes:

I wasn’t comparing Christ and fast cars, but saying that power as such is not evil but good.

Laura writes:

But Jesus on the Cross refused power. That was the whole point.

Mr. Robbins writes:

Yes, Laura. But Christ was not refusing a bad thing, but a very good thing, indeed that thing by which all things are good, i.e., the Divine Power.

I am only saying I did not make a comparison between fast cars and Christ on the Cross, as you suggested. I don’t know why you read it that way.

Laura writes:

I read it over today and didn’t get the comparison.

Kathy G. writes:

The attraction to fast cars is wired into men, I think. It is part of that white European male fascination with pushing boundaries, seeing beauty in the sleek, aerodynamic forms of classic muscle cars, the awesome horsepower that can come from the internal combustion engine, and was foundational to the development of planes, rockets, and other modern wonders. I confess I am as fascinated by car enthusiasts/”grease monkeys” as they are by the cars. My husband used to amaze me with his reflexes and defensive driving when I met him, he would react and handle situations before I even knew they were happening, and never showed any road rage. I always deferred to him driving, still do. Cars and driving are a guy thing deep down.

What is bad is not respecting the power, and behaving recklessly, or racing around on streets. In my neck of the woods, it is passing on hills that scares me, not so much speed. People, usually young males, will pass slower vehicles on hills, taking crazy risks, not knowing what is coming on the other side, frequently a tanker or logging truck, or simply an unsuspecting passenger vehicle. I think it’s like guns. Speed is a tool, it should be used responsibly and appropriately.



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