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‘The Whale’s’ Humiliation of the White Man « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

‘The Whale’s’ Humiliation of the White Man

April 13, 2023

WYATT STAGG looks at the actor Brendan Fraser who once played confident heroes, but received his ultimate acclaim as the morbidly obese protagonist, Charlie, in the 2022 movie The Whale, thereby becoming an anti-hero who portrays the repellent and perverse as morally appealing and redemptive.

According to Stagg, who sees this film as nothing more than a propaganda piece, Fraser sold his soul to Hollywood and its ongoing ritual humiliation of the white man.

“The goal of this story is to coerce its intended audience, white Westerners, into believing we are terminally ill and can only find deliverance in death.”

— Comments —

Kathy writes:

I haven’t seen “The Whale” because I have enjoyed watching some of Fraser’s movies (not so much the creepy “God’s and Monsters”), and I got the vibe that this movie was a display of Fraser’s physical issues and decline, the humiliation of the powerful, white action hero. The accolades he has received simply added to my discomfort. Perhaps I’ll see it eventually.

Laura writes:

I haven’t watched a recent movie in ages, and Stagg affirms my choice.


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