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Too Many Minutes of Hate « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Too Many Minutes of Hate

April 25, 2023

TONY S. writes:

From your description, it sounds like the film Late Spring is concerned with depicting a certain type of life that at the time of its production was disappearing with the encroachment of modernity.

Films like this are time capsules, they are historical lessons in how people used to live, what they cared about, where they found purpose and value. Meanwhile, today a film such as The Whale has an agenda to destroy.

It seems to me that all modern entertainment, including film, TV, sports and more, is just one major brainwashing effort to demotivate, demoralize, and degenerate an entire people.

In Orwell’s novel 1984 the population was exposed daily to two minutes of hate. In modern America we are exposed to 24 hours of hate. It helps explain the high levels of mental illness present in American society.


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