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A Glance at Multiracial Politics « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Glance at Multiracial Politics

June 28, 2023

THERE is no changing the realities of race. Anyone who says it is un-Christian to consider these realities suffers from excessive idealism and possible hubris. God made us body and soul. We cannot spiritualize our physical nature, including traits inherited from our ancestors, away. A race is an extended family. Race is more than just skin color. It involves psychology, temperament, and deeply ingrained spiritual instincts. To recognize racial realities is not to “hate” those of other races anymore than to prefer one’s family is to hate other families nor is it necessarily to embark on some equally unrealistic campaign for racial purity or total racial determinism.

Along those lines, here is a good summary from Thuletide of race in American politics, as gleaned from the 2022 presidential election:

People of First World origin (Whites and Asians) hold, per capita, more resources than people of Third World origin (Hispanics and Africans).

People of Third World origin stand to gain resources (territory, jobs, welfare, etc.) from Leftist social and economic policies (pro-mass migration, affirmative action, etc.). Therefore, ethnocentric Third Worlders are more likely to support Left-Wing politics, even if they are often socially conservative.

[As Thuletide shows elsewhere, Asians are also much more likely to support left-wing policies.]

People of First World origin stand to lose resources from Leftist policies. Therefore, ethnocentric First Worlders are more likely to support Right-Wing politics.

This is simply a case of offensive and defensive politics: The Left-Wing represents migrants and people who aim to take resources from the native population. The Right-Wing represents the native population aiming to defend their resources (and the intelligent migrants who also stand to lose resources from Leftism).

Most people don’t actively think about these politics, they understand them instinctively. The only people who have to seriously consider these things are White people, and that’s only because we have a de-racialized worldview as a result of massive social engineering and indoctrination by globalist elites.

The “negative ethnocentrism” (or out-group fetishism) of White Leftists means that they literally hate White people, and will work to benefit all out-groups at the expense of their in-group.

This behavior is biologically dysfunctional and suicidal. No wild species, subspecies, ethnic group, tribe, race, pack, etc., would ever actively work towards its own genetic destruction and fundamental extinction. Leftists are mentally ill (2/5 have been officially diagnosed) and defective.

Their behavior is, in part, likely due to their own individual natures and personal problems (i.e., they are in some way biologically retrograde; fat, weak, lazy, stupid, bitter, inferiority complex). However, the primary cause is obviously the all-subsuming torrent of anti-White/pro-“minority” propaganda that they are bombarded with, 24/7, from every media source imaginable.

You could probably make people of any race extremely mentally ill if you spammed them with constant anti-[their race] propaganda …



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