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From Virus Folly to Virus Wisdom « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

From Virus Folly to Virus Wisdom

June 1, 2023

“IT is not possible for the human body to manufacture and reproduce animal cells and tissues because animal DNA and RNA are not compatible with human RNA/DNA. The only way to introduce animal tissue into the interior of a human body (i.e. to cross the mucous membrane barrier), is by injection or transfusion. Traces of it can then be observed in the blood. This is why animal viruses cannot be transmitted naturally to humans and vice versa. Exit the specter of bird flu, bat flu and other exotic varieties.

“The same is true between human beings. The organism recognizes only those viruses produced exclusively by its own cells and containing their DNA/RNA, a communication system with locks and keys, unique and incompatible with another organism. All external viruses, whether of animal or human origin, are considered by him as foreign substances to be eliminated. Let us remember that viruses are not living and cannot reproduce, replicate or mutate by themselves. For these reasons, there can be no majority viral strain in nature that could hack our cells. Exit the specter of contagion.

“On the other hand, if the body physically produces the viruses it needs, it also learns from other living organisms through a resonance effect, powered by our emotions and amplified in case of collective hysteria. The information carried by our five senses, by electromagnetic currents and vibratory phenomena is an energy that circulates through the nervous and connective tissues and influences cellular behavior. This is how microbial functions can be enriched under the control of cellular DNA, but they will only be activated in the presence of a toxic accumulation.”

— Catherine Courson, “From Virofolly to Virosophy,” Neosanté (June 2023)


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