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How Alex Jones Manipulates His Audience « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

How Alex Jones Manipulates His Audience

June 22, 2023

FROM Fitzpatrick Informer:

“IN Is Alex Jones externalizing the hierarchy?I discussed how Alex Jones serves as cathartic relief for those resisting the New World Order and how he helps to get the masses comfortable with the NWO, thereby diffusing their opposition to it, making for a smoother transition to the one-world government.

“To expand on that, I will break down some of the more technical methods Jones uses to psychologically traumatize his audience into accepting the New World Order, including his use of subliminal messages and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), which is basically the manipulation of communication to provoke at the subconcious level (here is a good video example of how powerful NLP can be). NLP is most prominently used by salesman and mind programmers.

“The most obvious and ubiquitous programming Jones uses is the power of suggestion. You can set your watch by it. As of the writing of this article, Jones did it today on his show. He does it every single show. And that suggestion is the seemingly snide imitation of the elite. If you are listener, you know what I am talking about. It’s when Jones raises his voice and assumes the personality of one of the “elite” and then goes on to mock us victims of the NWO. He does not do this merely to entertain you. It is subtle suggestion and mockery of the victim—you, the listener. It’s a sort of psychodrama. What results from this process is the instilling of fear and learned helplessness into the listener (see Learned helplessness through the alternative media). And if I and many others are correct that Jones is working for the bad guys, then this suggestive programming is to mock us, which feeds their appetite as they destroy us with their world takeover.”


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