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Paying People Who Despise You « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Paying People Who Despise You

June 7, 2023

ALMOST every time a middle-class, white American walks into a major store and makes a purchase, he is paying people who despise him.

The corporation that owns that store despises the family that created him (not to mention the very biological order of procreation), the race he belongs to, the way of life of his ancestors and the innocence of his children. The corporation makes no effort to hide this disdain. It advertises it relentlessly. In fact, it is an unspoken law that no ad must contain a visible majority of the people who made this country and most ads must promote the diminishment of that race through intermarriage.

Every time a middle-class American walks into a major bank he encounters the same smile-cloaked hostility. The levers of power, of which that bank is a part, have moved hundreds of thousands of often illiterate, non-English-speaking foreigners into this country to provide cheap labor — or simply to live on welfare — and hundreds of thousands of the compliant educated from around the world to take good jobs. The former constitute an immense underclass of ethnic groups who soon will be battling each other, subsidized by the hated white middle-class American.

John Q. Publius writes in his book, The Way Life Should Be? The Globalists’ Demographic War on America with Maine as a Microcosm (Ostara, 2020):

The smoke-and-mirrors is all meant to direct attention away from the profit motive, but it’s profit motive with a twist. You get to be the customer of your own demise, paying people who despise you. Your destruction has the added benefit of removing you as an obstacle to greater profits. You would likely demand pesky nuisances like lunch breaks, weekends, and a livable wage…. You might question why, exactly, you should have to pay almost double your home’s value by the end of a thirty-year mortgage.

By creating a snake oil “academic” framework through which to lend cultural credence and legitimacy to concepts such as “privilege,” the private sphere is given carte blanche to dismantle the obstinate white population and scrap our nation for parts — with ample government assistance in the interim stage, as the state is run by and for the financial institutions and corporations until it, too, can be dismantled and discarded.

Every time a middle-class American pays his taxes he is funding those who absolutely despise him. His government inundates his community with “migrants” from around the world, people who have been induced to walk away from their own roots, all in the name of a false humanitarianism. That humanitarianism is great for the wealthy but devastating for the working- and middle-class white American, whose wages have stagnated and family life has declined. The government constantly promotes the “working woman,” also conveniently advantageous for the bottom line of both government and business. Neither has any interest in happy family life.

Almost every time a middle-class American goes to church he is supporting those who despise him. These churches fund NGO’s committed to destroying the social fabric of America with more false humanitarianism and “diversity.” Many churches openly celebrate family breakdown. And the church tells the American there is no such thing as righteous anger.

Every time a middle-class white Americans pays college tuition for his children he is paying people who despise him. His child will be taught that his ancestors are shameful, traditional sex roles are oppressive and God doesn’t exist. If he doesn’t graduate hating the parents who paid his bills, it will truly be a miracle.

Every middle-class, white American should wear a t-shirt (a cheap, Chinese t-shirt is all he can afford) that says, “I gave everything I had to the people who despise me.”



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