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Police Investigating Arson in Quebec « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Police Investigating Arson in Quebec

June 9, 2023

FROM The Toronto Sun:

Certainly, foul play is not suspected in all of Quebec’s fires. But the ones which began in the small village of Chapais — in the northeast section of the province — are being probed.

“It is suspicious,” said one business owner there. “It is believed that some of these fires here were deliberately set.”


“As we speak, we think that certain elements that stand out may suggest that these fires may be linked. There are a few things that seem suspicious,” Mayor Isabelle Lessard told the local le Quotidien newspaper. “The SQ is investigating in order to make validations, then to see what is happening and if there is a criminal cause behind it, but we are still in validation.”

While police have been told of unexplainable movements of people in the town, police stress the need for everyone to be patient.


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