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Stupid — Or Smart? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Stupid — Or Smart?

June 6, 2023


After seeing another female athlete press conference, I sent an email to a small group of friends who are well aware of my views. It’s been several days and only one response. She said “I don’t want to talk about it”. From the email:

Are females as dumb and as weak as they now act?

It’s a fair, albeit, a risky question, whether you like it or not.

Every day more news stories herald the mildly annoyed frustrated female athlete complaining that she is “forced” to compete against male athletes. The overwhelming majority of these females and their lawyers and their spokes-“persons” talk nonsense. It’s linguistic gibberish.

Has the female of the human species really become this inept, weak and dumb?

“It’s not fair to us to have to compete against ‘transgender woman’ who have a biological advantage.”

“Girls should not have to compete against ‘biological boys’ “.

They all make the same sort of similarly stupid claims. I have yet to hear one woman state the simple issue correctly.

Laura writes:

Don’t you think in this particular case it’s smart not to say, “There is no such thing as a ‘transgender.’ Male and female are immutable categories?”

To be honest and make that point would call into question the entire sexual revolution — which has produced enormous funding for female athletes who in their competitiveness and other behaviors imitate men.

I would say this is smart, not stupid.

I am unmoved by this dilemma.

Let the whole edifice of women’s sports crumble into dust.


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