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The Myth of a “COVID Bioweapon” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Myth of a “COVID Bioweapon”

June 26, 2023

JORDON Schachtel writes:

“It’s understandable that some politicians want to declare the Chinese state (which is undoubtedly an authoritarian actor) responsible for the deaths of millions of people worldwide.

“Lab leak or not, what happened amounted to just another cold/flu respiratory season. Everything else was the result of human intervention. It wasn’t a virus that shut down society and spooled up the money printer. Your government did that.

“None of “the measures” were ever necessary because ‘COVID-19’ was nothing more than just another series of years when lots of humans suffered from respiratory illness. Tragically, every year, millions of people, particularly the elderly, don’t make it through the annual respiratory illness season. This is to be expected, as we are not immortal beings.”

Many people died from gruesome and unnecessary medical intervention and neglect, as Schachtel points out in highlighting the infamous Diamond Princess cruise ship, where elderly passengers were put in quarantine on the ship for a month without adequate medical care.

Of the 3,711 people aboard the ship, only 20% tested positive for evidence of the coronavirus, via shoddy PCR swabs. Yet among those 20 percent, the vast majority of passengers and crew who tested positive had zero symptoms.


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