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The War Against White Children « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The War Against White Children

June 16, 2023

“IF I WANTED to destroy a functional society — the sort that white Europeans have built and maintained for millennia — upending the family and harming children would be a high priority. Attacking a society’s children is far easier than other groups and offers significant benefits to those wishing harm. If you can get children to turn on their families ideologically, you can likely get them to do anything you want as they mature. Thus, if I wanted to sever the roots of a people and mold them into obedient serfs, I would start by attacking the children.

“Ensuring that a people’s youth is riddled with guilt and feels a deep sense of disdain for their own identity, family, and race is a crucial measure in the continued destruction of our society. The effects of such learned shame are profound, producing an entire generation — or generations — with no true sense of identity or history.

“White children in contemporary society face a hostile onslaught from nearly every direction. Although we inhabit the same world as they do, they face considerably more antagonism, and their experiences are far more unpleasant. The world they must navigate has changed drastically since I became an adult, less than 20 years ago. White children today must deal with the same crime, hostile media, and racial tensions that we do, but from a more vulnerable place, and face additional stressors such as anti-white teachers and racial bullying at school. All of this coalesces into forms of harm, trauma, and terror for white children that are difficult to understand fully. This essay therefore seeks to understand the history and experience of white children in our society today.”

— Richard Houck, “The War Against White Children,” Part 1


— Comments —

George Weinbaum writes:

Nikita Khrushchev once said, “Give me control of a nation’s schools for 40 years and I will give you a Communist nation”.



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