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Why Corporations Promote Homosexuality « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Why Corporations Promote Homosexuality

June 7, 2023

CORPORATIONS celebrate homosexuality because it is good for business. It’s that simple.

When moral probity and rootedness in family are lessened, people are more likely to find consolation in things. They will buy and borrow more.

The more people stumble in the dark of uninhibited desires, the less likely they are to see and identify the great evil of usury, the system of debt that progressively disarms all opposition.

The less people apply reason to the control of their strongest instincts, the less likely they are to use reason at all. The morally compromised cannot oppose evil, including blatant and systematic theft. Here is an artful scam, using the language of love and tolerance to pull the wool over its victims’ eyes.

Get everyone in the club — and you control them. The rainbow is a symbol of tyranny. Those snared in the trap of homosexuality are only pawns.

The modern world is the devouring, apocalyptic Beast — and almost everyone is being ripped off. Indeed, we are all in this together.


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