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The Death of Mary « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Death of Mary

August 15, 2023

                                                  The Dormition of the Virgin Mary, Fra Angelico

“IT WAS not necessary for her love to exert itself by any extraordinary emotions. As the slightest shock causes the fully ripe fruit to drop down from the tree, so was this blessed soul culled, to be suddenly transported to heaven. Thus the holy Virgin died by a movement of divine love: her soul was carried to heaven on a cloud of sacred desires. Therefore the holy Angels said: ‘Who is she that goes up… as a pillar of smoke of aromatical spices, of myrrh, and frankincense?’ (Canticles iii. 6). — a beautiful and excellent comparison admirably explaining the manner of her happy, tranquil death. The fragrant smoke that we see rising up from a composition of perfumes, is not extracted by force, nor propelled by violence: a gentle, tempered heat delicately detaches it and turns it into a subtle vapour which rises of its own accord. Thus was the soul of the holy Virgin separated from her body: the foundations were not shaken by a violent concussion. A divine heat detached it gently from the body and raised it up to its Beloved.”

— Bossuet, First Sermon on the Assumption (quoted here)

“There is no one in existence who is able to praise worthily the holy death of God’s Mother, even if he should have a thousand tongues and a thousand mouths. Not if all the most eloquent tongues could be united would their praises be sufficient. She is greater than all praise.”

— St. John Damascene, Sermon on the Dormition of Mary 

Virgin of all virgins,
To thy shelter take us,
Gentlest of the gentle,
Chaste and gentle make us.

Prayers and Devotions for the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin


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