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9/11: 22 Years « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

9/11: 22 Years

September 11, 2023

FROM Simon Shack at September Clues Forum (not a blanket endorsement):

What follows will be the shortest summary I’ve ever put together regarding the massive collective 9/11 research efforts performed and illustrated at this valiant forum. The thing is that, at this time, my main concern is to reach out to the younger generations which I believe – although I hope to be wrong about that – are becoming less inclined to spend time reading long articles about troublesome and politically-loaded affairs such as 9/11. Of course, anyone younger than 22 years of age never experienced the ‘trauma’ of watching the 9/11 saga (what with its colorful, cartoonish imagery) unfold on “live TV”. So, perhaps, their minds may be less conditioned and prone to clutch onto the purported reality of these ‘terror events’ as presented on TV. So without further ado, here’s a much condensed ‘digest’ of what the younger generations ought and need to know – for their own good – concerning the media-&-military-staged “show” known as “9/11”.

1: Firstly, please know that no one died in any plane crashes on 9/11. None of the alleged hijacked flights have any official records of their airport logs or passenger manifests – much like ALL flights taking off from any airport of this world are obviously required to have. The alleged flights 11, 77, 93 and 175 were simply non-existent.

2: Secondly, ALL of the original / historical tenants and office workers of the Twin Towers were evacuated (never to return) on February 26, 1993. That’s right, the towers were completely vacated following an alleged “islamic bomb” being detonated in the WTC underground garage / parking lot. In the following years – as documented in the book Divided we Stand” by Eric Darton, the efforts deployed to repopulate the WTC towers office spaces had little success – since they were by then in a state of utter decay. Moreover, “virtual WTC office spaces” were being offered by the Alliance group to any small businesses around the USA for the prestige of having an address – however virtual- in the famous NY twin towers. In short, the WTC towers were most likely empty on 9/11 – and the death toll of the day was most likely ZERO. https://www.septemberclues.org/vicsims_ … yses.shtml

3. Thirdly, a “made-for-TV 9/11 Hollywood movie” was created (way in advance of September 11, 2001) that featured airplanes crashing into the towers – and the absurd / unphysical top-down collapses of the twin towers – using the same CGI techniques as the Hollywood blockbusters “Independence Day” (1996) and Armageddon (1998). This prefabricated 9/11 movie was simply cut into many small sections – and sold to the public (by CNN, ABC, CBS. NBC, BBC and FOX) as “live TV broadcasts of the day”. For some reason, the producers of this movie made a complete mess out of the alleged “Flight 77 Pentagon airplane crash” and the “Shanksville Flight 93 airplane crash” – both of which offered no visual evidence whatsoever of any actual big Boeing passenger planes having crashed at those sites! All of this is thoroughly documented and analysed in my 90-min documentary SEPTEMBER CLUES (2008).

4. Fourthly – and most importantly – all they had to do to pull off the ‘magic trick’ was to raise a dense smokescreen around the WTC complex area so as to envelop the twin towers in an impenetrable cloud of smoke. This was likely done well before the conventional demolition explosives placed in the towers (the normal sort of ultra-reliable dynamite regularly used to bring down old buildings) were set off. No one would have noticed – or much less been able to prove – that this smoke was obscuring the sight of the twin towers BEFORE their collapses.

Job done.


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