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The Gnostic Roots of Transgenderism « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Gnostic Roots of Transgenderism

September 22, 2023

FROM ThinkingWest:

Transgender ideology stems from the dualist philosophy of the gnostics. In transgenderism, a person’s feelings and beliefs about their identity reveal their “true” self, while the physical reality of their genitals or hormones can be false. If a person believes themselves to be a female despite having male reproductive organs, the will wins out, not the material reality. Whether the adherents understand or not, they are promoting a dualist interpretation of the cosmos. There is the spiritual “real” (divine) world of the mind which cannot be wrong, and then there is the physical (fallen) world of material, which can be mistaken if it conflicts with the reality created in the mind.

Like its gnostic roots, transgender ideology is in direct opposition to Christian beliefs, which firmly state that mankind was created by God as a union between spirit and body. Though subordinate to the spirit, the body is intrinsic to a person’s identity, hence the importance of the “resurrection of the body” referenced in the Apostle’s Creed. The Creed affirms the goodness of God’s physical creation and rejects the idea that salvation is gnosis or any other merely esoteric transformation or enlightenment.

Read more.

— Comments —

Dianne writes:

Really good article and it put better words for what I have said at times to our son who is a great one to discuss things with – trangenderism and transhumanism go hand in hand because they are both gnostic at heart.

Even attempts at consoling someone who is grieving the death of their loved one often turn gnostic as things  are said such as, “He is living in your heart”, or, “Is still with you”, as if that were enough or were something good.  Death is an enemy, the last enemy to be conquered, and we won’t be complete until the resurrection of our bodies to new life. The physical is GOOD, was declared good by God. Christianity is unique in this belief. I’m so thankful to believe in Christ.

I didn’t know that gnosticism was not condemned until a couple of centuries later. Seems elitist elements have always tried to rule with pseudo intellectualism.

Thanks for another great post, Laura. This transgenderism issue upsets me terribly, especially regarding taking away all authority from parents. But then, how quick and glad so many were to send their children off to school ever yet earlier to have breakfast there, and remain until 6 pm when working moms could finally  pick them up. So much of what is happening has not been overnight. Parents have relinquished slowly. Some have.


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