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Vax Injuries and Deaths, cont. « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Vax Injuries and Deaths, cont.

September 28, 2023

ACCORDING to VAERS, the federal database for vaccine injuries and deaths, girls as young as six have experienced menstrual bleeding after mRNA vaccination.

Dr. William Makis looks into the widespread phenomenon of women and girls experiencing abnormal bleeding and continues his daily coverage of the casualties. His work is not a condemnation or attack against those who have been vaxxed. Not all: it is a defense of them. His site is, however, aimed at those who are still arrogantly and cruelly promoting these drugs despite the extensively-documented harms.

NOTE: Dr. Makis also has recommended cures for spike protein effects on his Substack — all of them natural and easily obtainable.


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