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Mass Shooting Psyops Are Legal « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Mass Shooting Psyops Are Legal

October 28, 2023

Reporters and politicians deliberately use emotionally-charged words in their scripts to psychologically trigger the masses. The targeted audience then projects themselves into the story given.


“THE truth about Fake Mass Shootings and Hoaxes has been available for over a decade. In 2015, researchers with hundreds of channels exposed these theatrical productions. Researchers would immediately go to YouTube after the Hoax of the Week was presented on the mainstream news and fill the comment section with refutation and evidence to contest the lies. In 2017-2018 there were a ton of Fake Shootings and Hoaxes. They really amped up the frequency dramatically. Simultaneously all these channels were removed. Now, the comment section is highly monitored and full of bots/trolls that support every single fake event. So let me give you a timeline for you to understand the progression and sprawl of this agenda that is slowly taking down America by deception.

“The real kickoff for incessant hoaxes began in 2011, when Obama introduced the ‘Strong’ Cities Initiative. The Strong Cities Network was created in the interest of combating ‘domestic violent extremism’ on the local level. This was done to set the stage for fake events and the take down of America – one ‘Community’ at a time. Obama then introduced the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which provided legal protection to the government for broadcasting propaganda to its own citizens. There has been an endless parade of “Strong” labeled events that have occurred over the past 10 years. Keep in mind that this is only one branch that they have in their operations, not all hoaxes make the cut for ‘Strong’ status. Here are some additional articles to understand this is an … agenda to take down America with psychological operations.” [bold added; edited excerpt]

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