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One Woman’s Liberation from Pants « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

One Woman’s Liberation from Pants

October 20, 2023

Charles Courtney Curran, Cliffs at Cragsmor

MOST women would probably agree with me when I say that I accomplished more work in a day when I wore pants. Although, I never believed in the feminist movement, per se, I had a vague feeling of ‘control’ when I wore pants. A greater sense of self confidence, I would venture to say, a kind of pride. Some people may say that is good. But, this self confidence was from the world and not from God and so like a house of cards it could come tumbling down at any moment. For even the Bible tells us, ‘Love not the world, nor the things which are in the world. If any man love the world, the charity of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, is the concupiscence thereof: but he that doth the will of God, abideth forever.‘ John 2:15, 17. But more than that, when one feels on top of the world, full of himself, where is there room for God? It is only when we are humbled and needy that we seek Him out and reach out to Him. And wearing long dresses is one of the best acts of humility that a woman could practice. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to be humbled in an age of pride! I could firmly see this as I began to wear skirts and for the first time felt a sense of peace about me. Wearing pants may have helped me accomplish more work, but that work was done as a man would have done it. As I walked about the garden and felt the skirt around my legs I felt a great and overwhelming reverence for God, a great sense of gratitude for my life, for my womanhood. This feeling has never left me and my changing to dresses has done more to my spiritual life than all the years I spent in pants. I eventually learned to accomplish just as much in a skirt, but in a more feminine way, as perhaps Our Blessed Lady would have done, contemplatively. It is not something that is easy to put into words…”

— Rita Davidson, Immodesty — Satan’s Virtue


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