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Tattoos and their Significance « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Tattoos and their Significance

October 16, 2023

JUDITH Sharpe, at In the Spirit of Chartres, and I talked this weekend about the prevalence of tattoos today. More than 30 percent of adults in the U.S. now have one or more tattoos. It’s hard to believe that less than three decades ago, tattooing was illegal in New York and other parts of America.

How things have changed since the day when Captain Costentenus, above, appeared in freak shows as a human curiosity.

One of the main causes of the rise in tattooing, I contend, is immodesty in dress. Primitive people of the distant past did not fully cover their bodies either and they turned to crude forms of ink and paint to ornament themselves.

Judith is a very pleasant and astute person to talk with about the world around us. She was kind with my unpolished efforts to sum up this subject and I thank her for the time.


— Comments —

Kathy writes:

Excellent podcast.I agree with all the points you made.

Laura writes:

Thank you!

You know, I misspoke towards the very end of the discussion. I said the blood Sacrifice has been taken away, but of course I meant the unbloody Sacrifice has been take away. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was taken away by Paul 6 in 1969 and this has drained incomparable graces from the world, leading to the renewal of these heathen practices, the need of which is often times truly felt in the hearts of people. We don’t even have Holy Water anymore.

The only thing we can do is stay true to the Faith, praying the Holy Mass at home and avoiding the traps on all sides, including that of Traditionalist chapels that have no authority to function without a true pope in Rome. There is every reason to believe that Paul 6 was the Antichrist and we are living in the prophesied times between the Antichrist and the Second Coming.  Obedience is the supreme virtue at this time. I’m sorry if saying these things offends anyone as that is truly not my intent.

Barbara from NJ writes:

Some random reactions to the tattoo interview:

– connection between the “This is my body; I can do whatever I want to it” tattoo mentality and abortion. That has always been one of the foundation principles of modern-day child sacrifice.

– question: Do men find women’s tattoos attractive? Seems clear that the women who get them aren’t interested in that, but I often wonder what normal men really think.

– the tattoo as an attention-getting device, in part to divert attention from the face. The next time I see someone at close range with tattoos, I’m going to make a point to make eye contact and take a good look. If appropriate I might even say something like, “I’m so sorry for the pain you are going through.”

I for one take no offense at your remarks about the state of the Church. Your conclusions are still on the table for my consideration.

God bless you and all your readers.

Laura writes:

Thank you.

More men have negative reactions to tattoos than women, which suggests that a healthy percentage of men do not like tattooed women.

Gary writes:

Your recent interview on tattoos marks the first time I have heard you speak. You were simply splendid!

I look forward to hearing your voice again soon.

Laura writes:

That is very kind of you to say.

Oct. 26, 2023

DSKlausler writes:

I very much dislike tattoos, especially on women, and if I were seeking a wife, would not even consider a woman with such a shallow and socially driven stamp upon her body. It IS a reflection of intelligence, I believe, and of moral weakness – character weakness. It is not my age rendering this view (maybe being a parent); on top of the multiple offenses to even the open mind, most are of exceedingly poor quality and adolescent subject matter (if it can be deciphered).

Some comedian somewhence said something like this: “Tough guys with Hanzi characters on each triceps are brilliant… one arm translates as ‘Stupid American’ and the other, ‘I paid for this!'”


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