The Pathology of Usury
October 25, 2023
“FOR the simple and obvious truth is that the world as a whole is up to the ears in debt to its banks and bond-holders, and while it desperately needs more money, it knows that its only means of acquiring it is by further borrowing from the former source, thereby increasing a debt burden which is already mathematically incapable of any resolution whatsoever. It has, in fact, discovered by bitter experience, that you cannot borrow yourself out of debt; especially if you have to pay eternal interest on all your borrowings or else forfeit personal property in lieu of it.
“For if we examine the specific examples which have been referred to, it will be discovered, if it has not already been stated, that the cause for the lack of money to exchange goods and services, is the universal imposition by finance, of an impossible burden of debt, which is fatally crippling the development and even threatening the very existence of individuals, business concerns, nations and the actual bases of civilization itself.”
— Jeffrey Mark, The Modern Idolatry, Being an Analysis of Usury and the Pathology of Debt, 1934