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Throne of Lies « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Throne of Lies

October 23, 2023

FROM End Wokeness:

The entire BLM/anti-white racial revolution is built on a throne of lies:

They lied about Trayvon Martin.
He wasn’t killed for being black. He was shot in self-defense while he tried to kill George Zimmerman.

They lied about Michael Brown.
He never said hands up, don’t shoot. He attacked a store clerk and was shot while attacking a cop and charging for his gun.

They lied about George Floyd.
His autopsy report in 2020 found no life-threatening injuries and a fatal level of fentanyl in his system.

They lied about Jacob Blake.
He was trying to kidnap children. After he tried stabbing a police officer, he got shot.

They lied about Leonard Cure.
He was killed while violently resisting arrest and after he tried strangling a police officer.

They lied about Jussie Smollett.
He actually HIRED two Nigerians and paid them to attack him with MAGA hats.

They lied about Bubba Wallace.
There was no noose placed by in his car garage. It was a garage rope.



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