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“Commies in Suits” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“Commies in Suits”

November 30, 2023

Henry Kissinger,  1950 

IN memory of the late Henry Kissinger, who died this week at the age of 100, some relevant reflections by Sufyan Jan:

Although South American jungles and the sands of the Middle East might reflect the general public view of the communist image, perhaps this is a ‘desert sands mirage’? Contemporary ‘Commies’ wash and dress well, and attend Georgetown University in between martinis and formulating America’s domestic and foreign policies. They fly business or first class to London or Bern Switzerland and sit in the cool smooth leather of Chesterfield lounge chairs at the local Gentleman’s Club. These pseudo-Roman literati, travel ‘long haul’ to charge the batteries of the sagging ‘culture war tension machine’. The current urgency is palpable and some ‘blunt force’ revisionism will be required to set the record straight on the top end of town ‘commies in suits’.

Senator Joseph McCarthy was demonised by the world press, but new information— including fifty-year-old FBI recordings of Soviet embassy conversations—prove him correct. Indeed, the United States was overrun at high government and military levels by Communists with strong links to the Soviet Union.1 Despite the passage of time and a plethora of additional data that vindicate his position, intellectual and political discourse on the matter is patchy at best, and nearly non-existent at worst. What does exist is mixed with extreme right versus left rhetoric, replete with the expected anti- Semite ranting and anti-Islamic scorecards.2 3 Instead of a steady mining for greater depth, detail and broad-based understanding, we find surface issues buried in an avalanche of gush, a plethora of verbiage enmeshed with endless scandal and ever- changing headlines — both real and imagined.

Names change from Lachlan Currie, to Harry Dexter White, Nathan Gregory Silver- master, Frank Coe, and Shlomo Adler; to stalwart liars like Dr Kissinger, Dr Amitai Etzioni, and Dr Steve Pieczenik. A gang of generic neocons are cited in the crosshairs of mainstream and alternative media scopes, but only as casually perplexing coffee stains on the pages of history.

Read more.


— Comments —

Kathy writes:

FDR’s administration was riddled with communists, and the capitulation and fawning to Stalin, aided by the NYT,  was disastrous. Plus, FDR stole the people’s gold, and used it to saddle us with the unelected, installed administrative state (Garet Garrett, “The People’s Pottage”)! The communists won the war, and millions of white Christian Europeans, Japanese and Americans died, Russians and Germans particularly horrifically punished. Patton was right, but they took care of him. Love the coy “circle of mystics” designation of the ever-present bipartisan “brain trust” policy makers. We are learning that this same moth-eaten club of demented and degenerate policy makers are behind every government, the US, China, Russia, the UK…which is why all the open exultation about “depopulating” humanity, making us eat bugs, how they will drag Americans from our homes and farms (John “Kerry”), and “owning everything”.  God gave Kissinger lots of time to repent, if he did, it was at the bitter end.


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