“Commies in Suits”
November 30, 2023
IN memory of the late Henry Kissinger, who died this week at the age of 100, some relevant reflections by Sufyan Jan:
Although South American jungles and the sands of the Middle East might reflect the general public view of the communist image, perhaps this is a ‘desert sands mirage’? Contemporary ‘Commies’ wash and dress well, and attend Georgetown University in between martinis and formulating America’s domestic and foreign policies. They fly business or first class to London or Bern Switzerland and sit in the cool smooth leather of Chesterfield lounge chairs at the local Gentleman’s Club. These pseudo-Roman literati, travel ‘long haul’ to charge the batteries of the sagging ‘culture war tension machine’. The current urgency is palpable and some ‘blunt force’ revisionism will be required to set the record straight on the top end of town ‘commies in suits’.