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Gratitude for Male and Female « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Gratitude for Male and Female

November 21, 2023

Farm Boy, George Clausen

“[E]ACH SEX needs to deeply consider and be grateful for the gifts and talents of the opposite sex. In our time, what men give to the world is absolutely taken for granted. Men are disrespected by our culture and in law, are degraded in popular entertainment and by our institutions. While the world turns itself upside down to ensure the success of females and provide them help, male success and well-being are completely ignored even as men are blamed for the existence of all evils. Women need to stop and truly think about what the world would be like without men. Roads, buildings, running water, electric gadgets, centralized heat, air-conditioning, airplanes, antibiotics — as Camille Paglia put it, without men, we’d be living in grass huts. And women need to show some appreciation and respect for that fact. At the same time, we need to guard against overreaction to the brutal ways in which men’s lives have been taken for granted, and teach our children to have an ordinate respect for women, without whom men wouldn’t be inspired to build what they do, and would have no families to build for. Mothers, praise up little boys and men — and praise them up to little girls. Model having respect for the masculine to them. Fathers, teach your sons to respect and be ordinately protective of girls and women. Vive la diffĂ©rence!”



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