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Judge Thyself « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Judge Thyself

November 13, 2023

Henrick Goltzius

“WHEREFORE tell me now, wherein hast thou spent thy childhood? Wherein thy infancy? Wherein thy youth? To be short, wherein hast thou spent all the days of thy life past? Wherein hast thou occupied thy bodily senses, and the powers of thy soul, which almighty God hath given thee, to this end, that thou shouldest know him, and serve him? Wherein hast thou employed thine eyes, but in beholding of vanities? Wherein thine ears, but in harkening after lies? Wherein thy tongue, but peradventure in all kind of swearing, backbiting, and most unhonest talk? Wherein hast thou occupied thy taste, thy smelling, and thy touching, but only in pleasures, and delights, and in sensual, and fleshly allurements? What benefit hast thou taken by the Sacraments, which almighty God hath ordained for thy remedy, and comfort? How thankful hast thou been unto him for his benefits? How hast thou answered unto his inspirations? Wherein hast thou spent thy health, thy natural forces, and habilities? How hast thou employed the goods, which are termed the goods of fortune? How hast thou used the means and opportunities, which almighty God hath given thee to lead a holy, and virtuous life? What care hast thou had of thy neighbor, whom almighty God hath commended unto thee? And of those works of mercy, which he hath appointed thee to use towards him? Now what answer wilt thou make at that dreadful day of thine accompt, (to wit, at the hour of thy death,) when almighty God shall say unto thee. Give me an accompt of thy stewardship, and of the lands, and goods, that I have committed to thy charge: For now I will that thou shalt have no more to do therewith? O dry and withered tree, ready for the everlasting horrible torments in hell fire! What answer wilt thou make at that terrible day, when an accompt shall be required of thee, of all the time of thy life, and of all the minutes, and moments of the same?

— Venerable Louis of Granada, Of Prayer and Meditation


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