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The Meaning of ‘Shalom’ « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Meaning of ‘Shalom’

November 9, 2023

FROM Understanding the Jews, Understanding Anti-Semitism by Hervé Ryssen (Translated by Carlos W. Porter; published by same, 2014):

The Jewish people consider themselves the bearers of a project governing humanity as a whole, a grandiose project which they have pursued for centuries, through and despite everything: the instauration on earth of universal and lasting peace. The notion of “peace”, in fact, lies at the very heart of Judaism: it is not by chance that this one word (“shalom”, in Hebrew) appears so frequently in the speech of all Jews, all over the world. It is not just a religious concept – one of a belief in God’s work in a distant future – but of a guiding principle which determines the commitments of Jews on a daily basis. It is in fact the Jews themselves, who, through their work, their actions, their involvement in politics, work each day for the construction of this “peace”.

In the perfect world which they believe they are creating, all conflict will have completely vanished from the face of the earth – particularly, conflict between nations. That is why, wherever they settle, Jews militate ceaselessly and untiringly for the elimination of all borders and the breakdown of all national identity. Nation states are the cause of war and disorder; they must, therefore, be hollowed out from within and without, and – in the long run – eliminated entirely, replaced by World Government, solely capable of bringing about the reign of human felicity and endless prosperity on Earth.

The aim is to unify the world by all means possible, leveling all cultural differences, which are believed to be the source of conflict. Jewish intellectuals, all over the world, work without letup for this ideal. Whether Left or Right, Marxist or liberal, believers or atheists, Zionists or “perfectly integrated”, Jews are the world’s most fervent advocates of this messianic global empire.

Judaism is, therefore, essentially a universalist political project, the objective of which is the unification of the world, as the prelude to global pacification. It is a long, difficult job, they admit, but the Jews are absolutely convinced that they can succeed in achieving this aim, obsessed, as they are, with the “Mission” entrusted to them by God. Or as the prophet Isaiah puts it: “The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them…” (Isaiah, XI, 6-9).

Contrary to Christianity or Islam, the Jews do not intend to convert others to Judaism; rather, they intend simply to persuade them to renounce their religion, their race, their identity, their family and all their traditions, in the name of “Humanity”, and “Human Rights”. This Global Empire, in fact, can only be built upon the ruins of great civilizations, using the human detritus produced by so-called “democratic societies” and the capitalist system.

“Cosmopolitan” (i.e., Jewish) propaganda always aims at the dissolution of all ancestral values and identities, so as to eliminate the supposed “sources of conflict between men”. The Jews militate continually towards this goal. The Jews are a people of propagandists. It is not an accident that they have been highly successful in all of our contemporary media-obsessed “democratic” societies. When only the remaining Jews on Earth shall have preserved their faith and traditions, only then will they be finally recognised by all as “God’s Chosen People”. Only then will their long-awaited Messiah finally arrive and re-establish “the Kingdom of David”.

This Messianic “Waiting for Godeau” is the driving force of Judaism, since it obliges every Jew to struggle actively to “hasten the coming of the Messiah” (this is a very common expression). It is from this Messianic tension that the Jews derive their strength and energy. It is in fact the Jews themselves who, through their militancy, their untiring egalitarian propaganda in favour of a “world without borders”, are fated to establish the world of “peace” to hasten the arrival of the Messiah.

[Understanding the Jews, Understanding Anti-Semitism, pp 9-10]



— Comments —

Sally writes:

I very recently watched a long and well- researched (and not politically-correct) video entitled, “You Are Amalek.”

I admit I am a novice on this topic, but your post describing the use of the concept of “Shalom” in everyday Judaism portrays the latter in a better light than this video I just watched.

I also noted that your post mentions that Jews want no borders, but I find it ironic that the Jewish nation state of Israel has impenetrable borders, not only to “migrants,” but between them and Gaza, to the point of turning Gaza into an open-air prison (which they bomb relentlessly, with no escape for the prisoners). The Jewish concept of Shalom seems like a huge double-standard.

I would be interested in your take.

Laura writes:

It’s really not a double standard because Judaism, both secular and religious, has always held to this standard of superiority and difference.

Most Jews today don’t follow the Talmudic religion formally. They have taken Talmudic messianism — the belief in a messiah to come — in an entirely secular direction, first with Communism and now with multicultural, One World-ism.

Through the uprooting of all social division based on religion, race, nation and male/female, they will bring about the reign of universal peace. It’s a utopian, secular religion — a naturalistic scheme devoid of the action of God and opposed to certain inalterable realities in human nature. The Talmud, the holiest book of Judaism, plainly states that Jews are superior to the rest of humanity, and you see in this secular messianism, this ideology of One World-ism, the retention of this belief in the inherent superiority of the Jews because it is only through the enlightened activism and leadership of Jews who are above such sordid attachments (except when it comes to Israel and their own national interests) that this glorious age of deliverance from bigotry, “superstition,” nationalism and evil patriarchy will come to pass.

This cause is so great that, as with Jewish-led Communism (which led to the deaths of at least 30 million people), the ends most certainly justify the means.

It’s important to understand that most Jews are drawn into this belief system by clever manipulation of their fears. They don’t spend much time reflecting on its contradictions and the enormous oppression of others it entails. May God have mercy on their souls. Every Jewish person is more than his or her Jewishness. They are individuals, not particles of a tribe. We should have sympathy for Jews who all their lives have been told such frightening stories about being hated. Imagine growing up thinking you are hated by the whole world.

We are dealing with a false and firmly entrenched ideology. It exists in the mind.

The solution is not to harm Jews — God forbid, the idea does not even occur to us — but to expose these fallacies to the light of day. Unfortunately, exposure entails personal insults and slander, at the very least, or physical assault, lawsuits, and destruction of one’s livelihood. Ah, Jews do love a good battle, don’t they? Historians who dispute Jewish versions of history have been beaten to a bloody pulp on the streets of Paris and also thrown in jail. How strange that the People of Peace are so combative. The accusation, for instance, that in criticizing Jews one somehow “hates” them is a common insult — a case of what Ryssen describes as “accusatory inversion.” Jews have a way of demonizing their opponents that is most cruel and unkind. But they are not particularly concerned with that.

Let us have confidence in the truth — and turn the other cheek.

Sally writes:

An addendum to that email I sent is that one of the greatest sources of funding for migrant relocation (except, of course, to Israel) is from Jews.

It would seem that Marxism is the prevailing paradigm in our culture, and one that stems from Jews (Marx was a Jew), and is promulgated by the Jews who predominate every area of leadership…. and we have all had to deal with, in order to function in our culture. I would liken Marxism to the “spirit of the anti-Christ,” as it is atheistic and materialistic. Because this prevailing paradigm is anti-Christian, it is literally crazy, turning logic (logos) and reason on its head. This explains why our culture is destroying itself. And non-jews everywhere are treated as nothing more than “hackable animals” ( a quote from Jewish author Yuval Harari), so this trend is ominous.

Laura writes:

A sincere desire to do good is mixed up in many of these cases.

Kathy writes:

I do not believe these rabbinic, Talmudic Jews worship the same God I do. When they speak of bringing peace, they are referencing themselves, alone having “peace”, because they will have destroyed any possible rival, dissent, or threat. They kill other Jews just as easily as they kill the rest of us. When they use the word “we”, they are not including the non-Jews, because non-Jews are not of their perceived elevated race. I’m not sure why they still speak about a “messiah”, or why they need one. I assume they mean the antichrist.

Until I converted to Catholicism, I never understood the mindset of the Jews. I still don’t, really. I cannot fathom believing that I would have the right…as God’s chosen…. to decide to kill off billions of people God created, or decide that everyone must eat insects…which I firmly believe is only a precursor to requiring the eating of other humans, and eventually feces. There is a madness, a viciousness, at work among them, and demonic influence. The effect of their media/propaganda control is at the point where they openly heap abuse on whites and white culture, because they know a fair percentage of abused, Judaized whites will agree with anything they say. Christians and people with a worldview derived from that culture do not understand that other religions deal in deception and have no moral qualms about doing whatever they want to those not in their religion, while smiling to their face. Americans embraced Jews, and are particularly despised for it.

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