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Veterans Day « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Veterans Day

November 11, 2023

Prayer for Deceased Soldiers

Thou art all-powerful, O God, and livest forever in light and joy. Look with pity and love, we beseech Thee, upon those who have bravely fought and gallantly died for our country. By laying down their lives, they have showed supreme love for others. We implore Thee to accept their sacrifice and their belief in the justice of the cause for which they died. May their offering not be in vain. Deign to forgive any sins or misdeeds they may have committed. Bring them quickly, we implore Thee, into Thine august presence, where fear, sadness, mourning and death no longer exist. Have pity, in Thy loving kindness, on those they leave behind. In Thine own inscrutable ways, make good their absence, and lavishly bestow Thy love and consolations upon those deprived of their presence. This we ask of Thee in the name of Jesus Christ, Our King. Amen.



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