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Why the West Should Support Zionism « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Why the West Should Support Zionism

November 3, 2023

FROM the website of Timothy Fitzpatrick:

The Zionist script is fundamentally nationalistic, moralistic, and ethno-centric, which is what the West had been up until about the 1960s when world Jewry introduced their immigration schemes and cultural Marxism. World Jewry doesn’t care for nationalism because world Jewry is cosmopolitan (Chabad admits it is “not Zionistic”). Nationalism is a hindrance to their advancement. They are after world government while rank-and-file Jews simply want a homeland of their own and to, more or less, live under the security of Western mores. Ultimately, world Jewry is stringing along little Jews with a deliberately handicapped Zionism. We know this is true because world Jewry funds the anti-Zionists as well, mainly through their Eurasian channels (Russia, China, North Korea), and more and more portrays Zionism unfavourably in their mass media racket. When Soviet garden gnome Henry Kissinger not long ago predicted the imminent end to the state of Israel, he wasn’t making an educated guess, he was revealing part of world Jewry’s plan.

The trick for us is to use the Western-friendly aspects of Zionism to keep Islam and the Left under control, especially in Western countries. World Jewry knows that Zionism does not have the full support of the West and conservatives, and it prefers it this way so that it doesn’t have to push too hard in advancing the conservative values that little Jews want (before you read on here, make sure you understand what Operation SIG is all about). World Jewry just advances Zionism enough that it suits their cause of keeping the Middle East perpetually destabilized (via the Yinon Plan and Operation SIG), draining America and Britain’s reserves, and in turning the world against the West (via anti-Zionist, anti-colonialist indignation, victimization of Arabs). Your average Jew is not after these things. They want things similar to Western conservatives. Therefore, by Western conservatives coming together in support of little Jew Zionism, world Jewry’s hand is forced to advance the Zionist fundamentals that check Islamo-Leftist goals (in Israel and in allied countries like the United States, Canada, England, etc.).


This is not an endorsement of going to war for Israel or continuing to spend billions to defend it.


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