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How to Celebrate a “Mass Shooting” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

How to Celebrate a “Mass Shooting”

January 24, 2024

“JUST three weeks after 49 people were supposedly killed at The Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Fl. [in 2016], Orange County authorities and the Orlando P.D. released this P.S.A. video announcement. (Yes, this a Public Service Announcement.) They must have been celebrating deceiving the gullible public by producing another D.H.S.-mandated, scheduled active shooter drill that went live in the media as more gun control propaganda. They pulled one over on the public, and they insult your intelligence by making their own dance video. How many more of these gungrab sh**shows does it take before you get the message that you’ve been had by Homeland Security??”

From Mowac on Gab


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