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How to Control the Dummies « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

How to Control the Dummies

January 31, 2024

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Kathy writes:

 istening to these people is surreal. When they talk about “trusted.gov sites”, and “trusted sources” it is bizarre, unless we remind ourselves that they are not talking to us, the useless eaters, the billions they blithely speak of murdering, hacking, dispossessing. They are talking about sources THEY trust, that they know will reinforce their ridiculous created realities and engineered “crises”. We are irrelevant. It is ominous that they speak so freely of murdering us, genociding white Christian Europeans, especially. These rich psychopaths truly consider themselves as something separate from humanity. When they say “we”, they are not including people not in their cabal. When they talk about existential threats to “our” way of life, they mean to themselves, their way of life. That editor of the WSJ was openly lamenting that they were no longer the “gatekeepers”, no longer “owned” the facts, not caring in the least that what she said was being reported widely. But maybe they figure controlling the MSM, FB, search engines, and Twitter are enough to keep the dummies ignorant.



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