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Leonard Cohen’s Dark Message « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Leonard Cohen’s Dark Message

January 10, 2024


— Comments —

Tony S. writes:

This video creeps me out. Everything coming out of his mouth is in complete and total opposition to Christ.

What a depraved soul.

Dianne writes:

 So dark. I’ve never even been comfortable with that song, Hallelujah, which is so popular still.

Some of us were duped by him back in the sixties, as by so many things.

That’s a good YouTube site.

Laura writes:

In one clip in this video, Cohen point blank says it’s okay to commit evil acts.

Zeno writes:

A few years ago I went to a Catholic Church and they played a recording of Cohen’s “Hallelujah” during the Eucharist. I couldn’t believe it. I mean, even if you like Cohen, there is a place and time for pop songs, and it’s certainly not a Catholic Church… But I guess in “Novus Ordo” anything goes?

I personally don’t dislike all of Cohen’s songs — some are quite nice, in particular the earlier ones (although “Hallelujah” is one I don’t like at all and has been overplayed).

Other songs, such as “The Future”, are very dark in their symbolism. Perhaps they’re meant to be a sort of “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” in song form? I don’t know. I haven’t watched the full video.

Kathy writes:

Cohen has always been one of those NYC-avant-garde, oh-so-hip subverters. Bragging about being a terrorist, then sneering about the “hole” in “your culture”…that his nationless “tribe” put there, being in near sole control of mass media and entertainment, and following their well-worn playbook of appealing to the basest of human inclinations until the American Christian culture is so debased they willingly participate in their own genocide. Brag and smirk about women against men, race issues…all engineered… murder and the hell they are about to unleash “after America”, and “fixing God”. He might not find God as easy to “fix” as dumbed down, looted, enslaved, and deracinated Americans. The arrogance and hubris are difficult for a normal mind to comprehend, and indicative of, at the least, psychosis, and at worst, demonic influence.

Laura writes:

Here are the lyrics to his song “The Future,” which begin:

Give me back my broken night
My mirrored room, my secret life
It’s lonely here
There’s no one left to torture

Give me absolute control
Over every living soul
And lie beside me, baby
That’s an order

Give me crack and careless sex
Take the only tree that’s left
And stuff it up the hole
In your culture

Give me back the Berlin wall
Give me Stalin and St. Paul
I’ve seen the future, brother
It is murder

Things are going to slide, slide in all directionsWon’t be nothing (won’t be nothing)Nothing you can measure anymoreThe blizzard, the blizzard of the worldHas crossed the thresholdAnd it’s overturnedThe order of the soul

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