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An Intensely Creepy Shill « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

An Intensely Creepy Shill

February 28, 2024

JOEL OSTEEN gave a speech on Feb. 18, a week after the alleged shooting (wink, wink) at his Lakewood Church in Houston.

The speech is filled with the sentimental platitudes and emotional trigger words that accompany a staged shooting: “Healing” “Family,” “Praying,” “Fear,” “We Are Stronger Together,” etc.  Shooting hoaxes create fear and subservience. Ultimately they are aimed at demonizing and disarming those who own guns.

Get ’em cryin’ and huggin’, Joel.

— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

This is a bit off topic, but I’m pretty sure I’ve coined a new term – Judeo-Charismanity. It occurred to me after watching several Youtube videos of Charismatic, prosperity gospel loons (Olsteen and his congregants definitely included) make fools of themselves and a laughingstock of Christianity for anyone who watches their circus sideshow acts and doesn’t know the difference. It’s even worse than that, though; I truly believe that many of these people, leaders and congregants alike, are possessed of demonic spirits. My wife and I used to tune into their broadcasts from time to time back in the mid-90s purely for the entertainment value alone. Back then they seemed rather harmless, but, my have they come a long way since!


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