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Evil Serves the Good « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Evil Serves the Good

February 24, 2024

LUCIFER is not the rival, he is the slave of the Most High. (The same must be said of his sectarians.) The evil he inspires or introduces into the soul and the world, he cannot do without the permission of the Lord. And the Lord only allows it in order to punish the wicked or to justify the righteous by the burning iron of tribulation. In this way, even evil is transformed into good under the omnipotent command of God Who has no equal, either in power, grandeur or prodigy; the One Who is He Who is, and who has drawn all that is, apart from Himself, from the abyss of nothingness.”

— Juan Donoso Cortes (1809-1853)


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